What are the swimming strokes for being on a swim team?

I want to start swimming off season of softball so I can keep myself in shape over the winter. What are the swimming strokes I need to learn in my pool over the summer???

Butterfly, back stroke, breaststroke, freestyle are the four strokes to know. In an actual swim event However, there is a “5th” stroke. the IM or individual medley. its a blend of all four strokes. so in order to be on a swim team, I recommend that you also get the IM down.

Editors Comment:

I find part of that answer a little confusing so thought I would just do my best to clarify the answer – The individual medley is an event where 1, 2 or more lengths of each stroke is swum by an individual. A 200 metre IM event would be 50m of butterfly, 50m backstroke, 50m breaststroke and 50m freestyle.

There are medley team events where each swimmer swims one of the strokes so you have one swimmer swimming butterfly, the next swims backstroke, the third breaststroke and the last freestyle. Hope that makes it a little clearer…

7 Replies to “What are the swimming strokes for being on a swim team?”

  1. The four stroke for competitive swimming are
    1) Butterfly
    2) Backstroke
    4)Freestyle (Front Crawl)
    References :

  2. There are four strokres. They are the butterfly stroke, the breast stroke, the back stroke, and the freestyle stoke. I use to be on the swimming team and I love it. I as third in the state of NC.
    References :
    Personal experience.

  3. Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly, and Freestyle. Those are the only legal strokes for competition. Also work on flipturns for back and free (if you have a friend who knows how to do this have them teach you how. It will make joining the team much easier.)
    References :

  4. butterfly
    back stroke

    those are the four strokes to know. in an actually swim event however, there is a "5th" stroke. the IM or individual medley. its a blend of all four strokes. so in order to be on a swim team, i recommend that you also get the IM down.
    References :
    i have been swimming for 4 years and finally got some respectable times.

  5. ya there is IM but that is the individual medly which is all the strokes. first you do butterfly, then backstroke, breastroke, freestyle. on relays you start with backstroke, breastroke butterfly, freestyle
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  6. The strokes are

    Butterfly, Backcrawl and Breaststroke.

    Events for these strokes are 50m* 100m and 200m
    *50m is no swam at Olympics.

    There is also Freestyle, which technically isn’t a stroke. You can choose what stroke you do. Most people however swim Frontcrawl as it is the fastest stroke. (Note Frontcrawl isn’t a competitive stroke).

    Freestyle events include 50m, 100, 200m, 400m, 800m, and 1500m*

    Traditionally only woman swam 800m and men the 1500m. This is changing of late though, but i still believe that it is the case for Olympics.

    I.M. is swimming each stroke in succession. The order is;

    Fly, Back, Breast then Free.

    Events are 100m, 200m, and 400m. 100m can only be swam in a short course pool and therefore isn’t an Olympic event.

    Relays can be swam as;

    4 x 50m Freestyle and Medley (Not at Olympics)
    4 x 100m Freestyle and Medley
    4 x 200m Freestyle

    Medley Relays are swam in the following order;

    Backcrawl, Breaststroke, Butterfly then Freestyle
    References :

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